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Thursday, 28 May 2015

Being the youngest one

Dear Sunny,

You know how much I hate being the youngest one. I hate the feeling that nobody in my family takes me seriously. I hate it that I feel like I'm a burden. I hate it that I feel guilty for wanting something desperately. 

I talked it out with Akka, and she seemed genuinely hurt. I was so sorry that I ever brought it up.


P.S. Nothing much. I can't think clearly.

Tuesday, 26 May 2015


Dear Sunny,

I finally know what it's like to have a brother. 
He's not the closest of cousins. I don't even know what he is to me, but he's the closest I have to a brother.

Even though I love my sister, I always wondered what it would be like to have a brother. You, of all people, know that very well about me. 

I just wanted to say, I was happy. 


P.S. You should've seen me at the wedding. I felt beautiful. Like you always wanted me to. 

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

The Backstreet Boys

Dear Sunny,

You probably remember my rants about the Backstreet Boys: Show 'Em What You're Made Of not releasing here. Of course you do. And, today, I watched it.

And, I wanted you with me so, so, bad. 

If I thought I couldn't love the Backstreet Boys any more, I was so wrong.

I sat through the entire credits, not batting an eye, watching the mini screen next to the rolling credits, with tears streaming out of the corner of my eyes. Very unhappy that it ended, but ecstatic to have watched it finally.

And, yes, I know, I promised to watch it with Akka, but, come on, who could resist?

Damn. I can't think straight.

This documentary was of the Backstreet Boys: At their worst, at their best, at disappointing times, at the most amazed times. Nothing has been sugar coated. It says the truth. How they were boys, and how a life changing turn of events shook them up and turned them into men overnight. 

And how they lost sight of themselves.

The best part for me was how I was able to sing each and every fucking song they played. Every single one.

My only life fulfilling dream is to go to one of their concerts and lose myself for once.

I am so happy. 

I really wish you were watching with me.  


P.S. I changed my mind about Kevin. I respect him greatly. 

Saturday, 9 May 2015

Results were finally out

I saw my results as soon as I fond out that they were announced. I was okay with it; happy that I passed, but really, really scared that I've let down my parents for the nth time in my life now.

They have such high expectations from me that sometimes, I just can't do it. They don't pressurize me that much, and that's exactly the problem.

Anyway, I held it in me for about three days until I had to crack. Obviously, they weren't too pleased with me.

I really wish you were with me now. Things aren't that difficult. But, I do want someone to talk to.   

PS: I'm quoting this directly from my diary
People don't measure you by your marks.
I know you remember it. 

Thursday, 7 May 2015

Sunday Herald Short Story Competition is up!

I know how excited you were when I first entered 'A Wish For A Snowflake'. That was one of my greatest work when I wrote it.
This time, I'm submitting something that one piece of work that I loved and I'm proud of.
I only hope you are proud of me as well.


P.S Did you know one of my friends is also entering? She's one toughie. Wish me luck!